InTechToFreedombyYang Zhou9 Fabulous Python Tricks That Make Your Code More ElegantPythonic is a synonym for elegantNov 13, 202231Nov 13, 202231
InBootcampbyChristie C.20+ Incredible MidJourney Prompts That Will Blow Your Mind ( Part 1 )Learn Midjourney Prompts to Generate Amazing AI ArtsMar 10, 202326Mar 10, 202326
InFAUN — Developer Community 🐾byCloud_FreakDependency Injection in Go: The better wayIntroduction to Dependency InjectionDec 19, 20221Dec 19, 20221
InStoryly — More Than A Tech CirclebySaygin ArkanSome Go Tricks You Never Knew Existed (Until Now)There are a few tricks in every programming language that you might think it is super duper effective and fastens the code writing process…Jan 5, 20234Jan 5, 20234
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Ash JohnsonFactory Functions: Supercharge your Python codeIf software design, object-oriented programming and code efficiency are things you think about when developing your applications or ETL…Nov 5, 20224Nov 5, 20224
InTDS ArchivebyNik PiepenbreierIncrease Your Productivity with VSCode SnippetsAnd three useful snippets for data science in PythonOct 17, 20222Oct 17, 20222
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Geni JahoSafely upgrade from PHP 7.4 to 8.1 using RectorI have to say it from the start, the only thing that comes close to safely upgrading a codebase is having a solid set of automated tests…Sep 25, 20221Sep 25, 20221
#[Pragmatic(Kiwi)]PHP Domain Driven Design — ActionsIn DDD we do not want the most critical part of our project, the business functionality, to be spread through random functions and classes.May 25, 20221May 25, 20221
InGeek CulturebyAlexandre DauboisMaster PHP IteratorsDemystifying one of the most powerful tool you’ll encounterJan 26, 20224Jan 26, 20224
Nicolas MoralSymfony without RequestUsing Synfony controller without Request, is like riding a bike : it seems complicated at first, in the end it couldn’t be easierMay 1, 20222May 1, 20222
QADIR PERVEZHow to Make a Laravel Artisan Command to Install the applicationToday, we’ll look at how to make a custom artisan command that would install a Laravel application in one step. Wouldn’t it be great if you…Mar 17, 2022Mar 17, 2022
TheDevDrawerPHP CLI Development IntroductionIf you are not familiar with CLI, then this is the perfect introduction for you. In this tutorial, I will go over how to write…Apr 27, 2022Apr 27, 2022
InDev GeniusbyManish BasnyatRepository Pattern with Laravel (Part One): The How !Learn to implement repository design pattern with LaravelSep 17, 20211Sep 17, 20211